Saturday, March 28, 2009
Saturday Lunch
What a great Saturday afternoon...we're going to have more of these little get-togethers. John Levesque was visiting from Maine and Nathan Schaat was in SLC for the weekend. So, Danny Dilts, Shannon Van Patten and Rachel Redman loaded them up and they all came north for a visit. Trace and Michelle Hansen and Bob Richens came over from Logan. It was a super afternoon. Watch the blog and we'll plan another Saturday afternoon GMM lunch date. You will not get an individual invitation. I'll set a date, you check your calendar and let us know (call, text, whatever) if you plan to come. I'll fix lunch, we'll visit for a few hours and just keep up with what everyone is doing. Spouses and dates are welcome.
Shannon and Rachel in front. John, Danny, Brad, Brent (aka President), and Nathan.