Friday, August 7, 2009


It's time for this year's reunion. We have talked with many of you and it sounds like there will be a great turnout. We learned some things from last year:
1. We need a little more structure. Hence the proposed schedule, to the right...
2. We know there is lots of talent, so start now to send us suggestions for the program. Feel free to volunteer your talents or those of others.
3. I think the meal went well, so we'll set it up much like last year.
There are also many of you we have not seen. We hope, if it is at all possible, that you will be in Bountiful on October 2 for the GMM 05-08 Reunion....SAVE THE DAY!!

I'm sending emails out to those whose emails I have. I tried facebook once for about two weeks and found myself spending way too much time on it, so I've abandoned that. I need those of you who are on it to get the word out (info is to the right). Refer everyone to this blog. I'll keep information here. Let me know as soon as you know if you'll be coming and I'll start the food assignments. Please, everyone, help me reach out and find every single GMM missionary who served during July 05 to June 08.
