Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Transfer Week After The Storms!
From the pictures below you can see we've recovered nicely from the tornadoes that hit Macon on Sunday morning. The sirens started about 5:00am and we (President and I) turned on the TV to track what was happening so we could alert missionaries. We found the major part of the storm right on us. By 8:00am the major force had passed and it was time to assess the damage. Church had been canceled and so we started out, under the direction of our bishop, to check on ward members. The missionaries had already been alerted and were fine. What I saw Sunday as we made our way from address to address reinforced my belief that we are not in charge. When two EF2 tornadoes are let loose in a forest (with lots of houses and businesses between the trees) it was truly a miracle there were no deaths or major injuries in the Macon area. Trees snapped like toothpicks, power lines were down everywhere, roofs collapsed, shingles flew and yet everyone was OK. When we got home Sunday night we were really grateful, and we wished we'd taken a camera...oh, well the memory of what we saw will remain for a long time. The pictures below are much happier!
The departing group...Sisters Van Patten, Redman and Stokes; Elders Rogers, Morgan (assist.), Gropper, Tanner (assist), Wood (assist). (Elders Morgan, Tanner and Wood are staying.)