Zone Leader Council came just in time for Elder French's birthday. The poor Elder only got a birthday pancake, but he was a good sport about it all, and his wish had something to do with baptisms!

Standing: Elders Eastman (serving in the office with Sister Eastman), D. Smith, Murray, Barnett, Levesque, Fister, Morgan, Rich, C. Clark, Dilts, Wood, Pres., Bingham, Parker. Scrunched or kneeling: Elders Crane, French, Forbes, Gawdun, Slade and Shelman.

There are some beautiful azaleas behind the Elders. My plan was to have both in the picture, but they just didn't fit.
You'll notice a few missing faces...Elder Warr and Elder Woody. President is rotating zone leaders back into the field to help train and prepare other missionaries. Also, this will allow more Elders to serve in leadership positions. During this council the focus was again on accountability and helping to mobilize ward missions.