The Georgia Macon Mission was blessed with a mission tour by Elder W. Craig Zwick of the First Quorum of the Seventy and Sister Zwick. They arrived in Macon on January 27 and visited with the zones on Monday the 28th and Tuesday the 29th. They strengthened, uplifted and encouraged us in this great work. President and I had learned the week before at the Mission Presidents' Seminar with Elder L. Tom Perry and Elder Walter Gonzalez, that the focus in missionary work is going to be on the "ward missions." Elder and Sister Zwick reinforced the need to work closely with the members and to commit ourselves to being Preach My Gospel Missionaries. Sister Zwick encouraged us not to limit ourselves, but to allow Heavenly Father to expand our capacities. Elder Zwick asked us to consider what we are willing to change. He then talked with us about the blessings of living the Law of Sacrifice and being perfect in our use of time. He also counseled us to build a sure foundation of faith and to cleanse the inner vessel. He also, left us with some personal experiences he had had with President Hinckley. Our hearts were full and our desire to double convert baptisms was increased.
The time went so fast, but they left us with so much to ponder and incorporate. Our missionaries are grateful and motivated. We look forward to increasing our efforts and helping those around us to come unto Christ.
Below are pictures of each zone with the Zwicks.

Savannah South Zone: Top: Elders Snow, K. Nielson, P. Smith, Sister Stewart, Elder Kimbal, Sister Barnes, Elder Diaz, Sister Larsen, Elder C. Clark, Elder Larsen, Elder Wood. Seated: Sisters Tanner and Hedrick, Elder and Sister Zwick, Sister and Pres. Evanson. Floor: Elders Manning, A. Hall, Gawdun, Forbes and Randall.

Savannah North Zone: Standing: Elders C. Clark, Fowers, Price, Tanner, Takapu, Foster, Bingham, Murray, Blackmer, Kunz, Skinner, Kimball, Gardner, Wood. Seated: Elder and Sister Harper, Elder and Sister Zwick, Sister and Pres. Evanson. Floor: Elders White, Parker, Beacham, Benjamin, and Heiner.

Macon Zone: Top: Elders D. Smith, Corbridge, Garner, Skinner, Crane, Hutchison, Moon, Jackson, Wall, Pettingill, Williams, Godfrey. Middle: Elders Horan, Collings, Day, Hoskin, Woody, McKee, J. Clark, Teare, Fister, Spendlove, Sisters Orme and Stokes. Seated: Elder C. Clark, Sister and President Evanson, Elder and Sister Zwick, Sister and Elder Eastman, Elder Wood.

Douglas Zone: Top: Elders C. Clark, Hartley, Gropper, Park, Molis, Jenson, Mortensen, Levesque, Bro. Roberson, Elder Wood. Middle: Elders Faux, Summerhays, Christiansen, Hale, Barnes, French, Redford, Schaat. Seated: Sister and Pres. Evanson, Elder and Sister Zwick, Sisters Moyes and Jenson

Augusta Zone: Standing: Elders Talbot, C. Clark, J. Hall, Poole, Conlin, Martin, Spencer, Beard, Robertson, Ogden, Rowell, Sister Thomas, Elder Koelling, Sisters Carter and Benson, Elders Beckman, Benson, Rich, Cadman, Wood, Lanman. Seated: Sister and Elder Nielson, Elder and Sister Zwick, Sister and Pres. Evanson. Floor: Elders Beverley, Bell, Shelman, Rice, Slade, Alvord.

Albany South Zone: Top: Elders C. Clark, Morgan, McCarty, Thompson, Stallings, Lokhorst, T. Wayman, Cottam, Carlson, Wood. Middle: Elders Barnett, Rogers, Nelson, Brunson, Sandoval, Stoddard, Hickman. Seated: Sister and Pres. Evanson, Elder and Sister Zwick, Sisters Miller and VanPatten

Albany North Zone: Top: Elders C. Clark, Fuhriman, Ilfra, Nielson, Silva, Holyoak, J. Wayman, J. Hall, Wood. Middle: Sisters Tenney, Brumage, Elders Sharpe, Dilts, Jacobsen, Johanson, Warr, Sisters Redman and Craw. Seated: Sister and Pres. Evanson, Elder and Sister Zwick, Sister and Elder Chatterley.