We returned home last night from the Douglas Zone Conference. We were in Albany on Wednesday and Macon on Tuesday. We are continuing to train the missionaries on working with the ward missions and being Preach My Gospel missionaries. President and I focused on accountability, Elder Wood trained on humility and Elder Morgan on bearing testimony. Next week we will be in Augusta and Savannah. I'll post pictures from those meetings next week. I took lots of pictures in Macon, Albany and Douglas, but I still managed to miss a few missionaries. I'll try to get them next time around.
Douglas: Elders Summerhays, Redford, Hartley, C. Clark, J. Clark, J.W. (a young man from Vidalia preparing to serve a mission), Elders Faux and Holyoak.
Macon: Front: Elders Stallings, Pettingill, Collings, Williams; Back: Sisters Miller and Orme, Elders Hoskin (hiding) and Corbridge.
Albany: Elders Brunson, Ilfra, McCarty, Joseph Hall, Jacobsen.
Macon: Elders Ramsten, Woody and Crane.
Albany: Elders Stoddard, J. Wayman, Barnett
Albany: Sisters Stokes, VanPatten, Redmond, Craw and standing Sister Chatterley. Grinning in the background...Elder Brunson.
Macon: Front: Elders Hutchings, White, Day; Row 2: Elders Beckman, Spendlove, Jackson, Mortensen; Back: Elders Garner and Horan (hiding); Elders Wall and Moon.
Albany: Elders Parker, Hickman, Silva, Murray, Kunz, Teare
Douglas: Elders Hale, Wood, Sister Barlow, Sister Oldroyd, Doctor Oldroyd (Area Medical Advisor), Elder Barlow.
Macon: Elders Horan, Garner, Ramsten, Williams, Hoskin, Collings, Jackson, Stallings.
Douglas: Elders Kimbal, Schaat, Levesque, Gropper, Redford, Hartley, C. Clark, Morgan, Wood, Barnes.
Albany: Elders Barnett, Morgan, McCarty, Joseph Hall
Albany...coming back from lunch: Sister Chatterley, Elder Godfrey, Elder Lokhorst, Elder Teare, Elder Carlson, Elder Fuhriman, and Elder Dilts. (I'm not sure who is standing in front with the back of his head to the camera, but he has a nice neckline on his haircut.)
Macon: Elders McKee, Hutchison, White, Day, all others have been identified in other pics!