Well, I did it again. Somehow, I always manage to miss a few missionaries when I just take candids. So, if your missionary is not here, please know he/she is on my list and will be on next round.
The weather in Augusta and Savannah was beautiful. The flowers are out, the birds are singing, the temperature is in the 70s and the missionaries and members are working hard. Zone conferences are always a blessing for us because we get to see the missionaries.

Elders Sharpe, Alvord, Koelling, Benjamin, Molis, Gawdun, K. Nielsen, Forbes, Manning and Beacham in the kitchen before Savannah Zone Conference.

Elders Kimball, Tanner and Price out in the parking lot after zone conference.

Elders Murray, Poole and Jeff Hall.

The Savannah South Zone Leaders surprised the missionaries with breakfast. Above you see Sisters Tanner and Hedrick and Elders Molis, Diaz, Heiner and Morgan.

Elders J. Clark, Gardner and French.

Standing Elders J. Clark, D. Smith and Murray. Seated: Front, Elders Rich and Thompson; back Elders Spencer and Robertson.

Sisters Thomas and Barnes; Elders Rich, Beverley and D. Nielsen talking with President.

Elders Takapu, Price, Beacham, Manning and (seated) Foster.

Elders M. Kimball, Diaz, Skinner and Sharpe

Front: Elders Rogers, Fister and Slade. Back: Elders Ogden and Snow.

Elders Heiner, Morgan, D. Smith, Molis and A. Hall

Elders Jeff Hall, Thompson, Robertson, Snow and Ogden

Elders Foster, Skinner, M. Kimball, Fowers, Price and Blackmer.

Cookin' up some breakfast...Elders Forbes, Martin, Bingham, Murray and Gawdun.

Seated: Elders Conlin, Talbot, Beverley. Standing: Elders Randall, Rowell, Wood, Rice, Beard and Bell.

Goin' for the good stuff...Elders Foster, Morgan, A. Hall, Fowers, Beacham, French, Skinner, Blackmer, (I think that's Elder Heiner's nose), Bingham and Gawdun.

Elders Blackmer and Fowers

We can't say enough about our senior couples. Here are two of them...the Bensons and the Nielsons.

Elders Beverley, Bell, Thompson, Ogden and Snow