Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Zone Leader Council

Zone Leader Council was held on Tuesday, Oct. 23. The zone leaders and a companionship of sisters met to receive instruction for the upcoming zone meetings. New zone leaders are Elder Gawdun, Elder Barnett and Elder Woody. The sisters for this council are Sister Redman and Sister Thomas. The bulk of instruction centered around helping the members get involved in missionary work. We start the morning with breakfast and then go to work. At the end of the day they decide how they want their picture taken...this one was a little extreme. We snapped fast and got the "higher ups" down as quickly as possible. I'll identify them by companionship starting on the left with the "standing" elder's name first: Elders Greenhalgh/Gawdun, C. Clark/Slade; Clinton/Woody; Dilts/J.Clark; Warr/Johanson; McKinley/Tanner; Mortensen/Wood; Barnett/Morgan; Shelman/Bingham; and Sisters Redman/Thomas.

Breakfast at the kitchen table, starting with the elder with his back to us, looking over his shoulder: Elders J. Clark, Barnett, Sisters Redman and Thomas, Elders Wood, Dilts, Bingham, Gawdun, Morgan, Shelman.

Dining room table starting with elder on the left: Elders Slade, Warr, Johanson, C. Clark, Greenhalgh, Mortensen, Tanner, Woody, Clinton and McKinley.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Senior Conference

It's been a busy week. Senior Conferences are held about every four months. All of the seniors in the mission usually meet at the mission home in order to get better acquainted and to share ideas about the work. We gathered on Friday evening, Oct. 19, had dinner together at the mission home and then President directed a discussion centered on the gathering and using Preach My Gospel more effectively. Saturday morning we had a devotional and listened to Elder Holland's conference talk and then traveled to Perry to the Mossy Creek Festival. The Sisters really enjoyed the crafts and artwork. The Elders humored us. Mossy Creek has a huge variety of mostly "Southern" crafts and food. The weather was perfect...about 75 degrees and clear skies. Everyone left for home from the festival in the early afternoon.

The Eastmans and Chatterleys at the mission home.

Sister Tenney and the Harpers.

Sisters Hedrick, Brumage, Tanner and Tenney at Mossy Creek.

The Bensons

The Nielsons

President, the Eastmans, Sisters Tenney and Brumage

Top: Elder Eastman, President, Elder Benson
Next: Sister Eastman, Elder Chatterley, Sister Benson
Next: Elder Nielson, Sister Chatterley, Sister Tingey
This is going to be confusing: Elder Harper, Sister Nielson, Sister Harper, Sister Brumage, Sister Tanner, Sister Hedrick, Sister Tenney, Elder Tingey, Sister Evanson
Seated: Elder and Sister Larsen

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Transfer Day

Transfer Day rolls around every six weeks. The members bring trucks, trailers and SUVs to transport our missionaries out to the five stakes. Following are some pictures. They're small, but you can double click for enlarging.

Elders Ilfra, O'Rullian, Fowers, Parker, Dilts.
#2: Elders Park, Gawdun, Sisters Nickle, Moyes, Elder Forbes, Sisters Miller and Thomas.

#1: Elders Fister, Brunson, Ogden
#2: Elders Gardner, Takapu, Forbes, President, Warr and Larry.
#1: Elders Manning, Cadman, Barnett, M. Smith

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

They're Here, We're Happy

They arrived right on time and we were waiting to welcome them to Georgia!
The picture below shows President, Elder Slade (assistant), Elder McKee, Elder Carlson, SisterThomas, Elder Wall, Sister Miller, Elder Hale, Elder Stallings, Elder Thompson and Elder Clark (assistant).

When we got to Macon we stopped at the Mission Office.

Then on to the Mission Home. We had dinner and then a picture with President and Sister Evanson.

President doing some informal teaching prior to devotional.

They will start training tomorrow at 7:45 in the mission home and then will go to the Macon Stake building for the transfer meeting. At the meeting they will learn where their assignment will be, and members will transport them to their new area. We are so grateful to have them here. Thank you and we'll keep you posted!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Heading Home...

Today (Oct. 16) is our son, Brad's, 16th birthday. The Elders helped him party with cake and ice cream just before bed.

The picture is a little fuzzy, but the ties have been cut. That means they're heading home. We'll miss them.

Elders Holmquist, Fitgerald, Pepper, President, McClellan and Hunt.

They will leave the mission home at about 6:45 am tomorrow, Oct. 17, headed for the Atlanta Airport.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Savannah Zone Conference Oct. 10, 2007

We finished Zone Conferences on Wednesday, October 10. The last one being held in Savannah. The missionaries now must go to work updating and using their Area Books daily. They were taught that their Area Books reflect how they feel about their area. They will be coordinating with the Ward Mission Leader and Bishop to keep the Area Books up to date and a true reflection of the inspired service the missionaries and members give to the area. We also reviewed Preach My Gospel DVDs that illustrated helping members become more involved in finding people to teach.

There were a few missionaries I missed for pictures. I'll be watching for them down the road. I hope you enjoy these pictures. I won't be posting as many in the future. I got caught up in learning how to make the captions stay by the pictures. I must admit they are a good looking group, but more important they're good. We are grateful to be serving with them.

Elders: Carr, Beckman, Bell, J.Wayman, Cottam, C.Kimbal, O'Rullian, Parker

Elders Stoddard, C.Kimbal, Murray

Elders Moon, J.Nielson, White

Lunch: Elders Cottam, Parker, Ilfra, Fowers, J.Clark

Standing: Elders Bell, Lambert, Beard
Seated: Elders Poole, Jackson, Gropper

Lunch Time: Elders Nelson, Reed, J.Wayman, Poole, Slade, Jackson

Sisters Orme and Stewart, Elders Cottam, Murray and Beckman

In the hall after Zone Conference: Elders Fitzgerald, Parker, Greenhalgh, Ilfra, Lambert, Snow, Tanner, Bell (I think), J.Clark, White.

Seniors at Lunch: Standing The Carrs; Seated: Sisters Hedrick and Tanner, The Harpers and The Larsens.

Augusta Zone Conference, Oct. 9, 2007

Pic #1: Elders Rice, Hutchison (Taken at a previous zone conference. Somehow I missed getting Elder Rice this week.) Pic #2: Rerun of a larger picture you'll see below, except Elder Diaz is in this one...kneeling. Pic #3: Kunz, Talbot, Faux, Barnes, Koelling, M.Smith. Pic #4: Elders Shelman, Bingham, Sisters Carter, VanPatten, background: Parker, Day, Talbot.

Sr. Couples: The Bensons and The Nielsons

Standing (by heads): Elders Randall, P.Smith, Day, Barnes, Shelman, Horan, Manning, Dilts, Williams, ghost(who knows, C.Clark I think), Parker, Martin
Kneeling: Elders Kunz, J.Clark, Bingham

Pic #1: Elders Williams, Redford, P. Smith
Pic #2: Elders Kunz, Martin, Petersen, Horan
Pic #3: Elders Faux, Petersen, Barnett, Koelling
Pic #4: Barnes, Shelman, Dilts, J. Clark, Barnett

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Experimenting With Pics and Captions

On left: Elders Benjamin, Dilts, T. Wayman, P. Smith.
On Right: Elders Barnett, Gropper, Hulse, Parker.

Sisters Andersen & Tenney.
Elder Clinton leading a song.
This is a better effort on captioning the pictures. I'm learning.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Zone Conferences: Macon, Albany, Douglas

OK, When I posted the little pictures and added captions, they were all over the place and you couldn't tell what went where. So, I'm trying to explain them all in one spot. Hopefully, you can figure this out. #1: Pouring Punch: Elders Hickman, McCarty, Jacobson, Forbes, Teare. #2: Lady in Blue: The Chatterleys and one of three Elder Halls. #3: Smiling Trio: Elders Heiner, Morgan, Pepper. #4: 5 Elders Posing: Schaat, Clinton, Warr, Corbridge, Fuhriman. #5: Pink Ties on Big Boys: Hunt, Rowell, Johanson, D. Smith, Godfrey. #6: At Computer: J. Clark, Dilts, Parker, Levesque. #7: Smiling Elder &Papers on Table: Elder Howard and Ogden, Sister Brumage in background. #8: Reading Elders: Molis and Crane, Pres. in background. #9: Foursome: Spencer, C. Clark (front), Slade, Robertson (back). #10: Sisters and One: Sisters Redman and Poulstrup, Elder Godfrey behind. #11: Table: Hutchison, Hartley, Richens, Silva, J. Clark (standing), Price, Woody. #12: Talking with Pres: Elders McClellan and K. Nielson. (Maybe I could get a job naming great art!) Hopefully, I've learned some things and I'll have captions closer to pictures.

After we eat, the missionaries line up and sing a song for the ladies who have provided lunch. Above, Elders: Corbridge, Clark, Teare, Slade, Takapu, Robertson, Schaat, Spendlove.

The Ward Relief Societies provide lunch under the direction (assignment) of the Stake Relief Society President. The meals are wonderful and much appreciated. Missionaries above are: Elders Conlin, Slade, Hoskin (thumbs up), Lockhorst, Parker, Mortensen, Cadman. Menu for this day was chicken pot pie, salad, rolls and cake.

Signing the Thank You Card after lunch: Elders French, Beverly (background), Brunson, Rogers (background), K. Nielson, Lanman, Gawdun, Rowell (seated).
Albany Stake Elders: Rich, Garner, Heiner
Missionaries in Albany prior to Zone Conference beginning: Elders Rogers, Gardner, Fister, Holyoak

Douglas Zone Conference: Studying before the meeting begins. Pictured: Front: Elders Silva, Hartley, Wood, Mortensen; Back: Tingeys, Woody, Price; Standing: Sisters Barnes, Nickle, Elder Slade.

Zone Conferences in Macon, Albany and Douglas were held this last week. We will be out in Augusta and Savannah next week. Instruction centered around the new DVDs for Preach My Gospel. Missionaries learned how better to work with members in a variety of ways. The Area Books will now be kept by the missionaries and the Ward Mission Leader. This is new direction from Elder L. Tom Perry who is the new director of missionary work. Up until now only missionaries have kept Area Books. Hopefully, this will help the members be more involved in this urgent work. I'll post pictures from Augusta and Savannah next weekend. Enjoy conference!