Zone Leader Council was held on Tuesday, Oct. 23. The zone leaders and a companionship of sisters met to receive instruction for the upcoming zone meetings. New zone leaders are Elder Gawdun, Elder Barnett and Elder Woody. The sisters for this council are Sister Redman and Sister Thomas. The bulk of instruction centered around helping the members get involved in missionary work. We start the morning with breakfast and then go to work. At the end of the day they decide how they want their picture taken...this one was a little extreme. We snapped fast and got the "higher ups" down as quickly as possible. I'll identify them by companionship starting on the left with the "standing" elder's name first: Elders Greenhalgh/Gawdun, C. Clark/Slade; Clinton/Woody; Dilts/J.Clark; Warr/Johanson; McKinley/Tanner; Mortensen/Wood; Barnett/Morgan; Shelman/Bingham; and Sisters Redman/Thomas.
Breakfast at the kitchen table, starting with the elder with his back to us, looking over his shoulder: Elders J. Clark, Barnett, Sisters Redman and Thomas, Elders Wood, Dilts, Bingham, Gawdun, Morgan, Shelman.
Dining room table starting with elder on the left: Elders Slade, Warr, Johanson, C. Clark, Greenhalgh, Mortensen, Tanner, Woody, Clinton and McKinley.