It's been a busy week. Senior Conferences are held about every four months. All of the seniors in the mission usually meet at the mission home in order to get better acquainted and to share ideas about the work. We gathered on Friday evening, Oct. 19, had dinner together at the mission home and then President directed a discussion centered on the gathering and using Preach My Gospel more effectively. Saturday morning we had a devotional and listened to Elder Holland's conference talk and then traveled to Perry to the Mossy Creek Festival. The Sisters really enjoyed the crafts and artwork. The Elders humored us. Mossy Creek has a huge variety of mostly "Southern" crafts and food. The weather was perfect...about 75 degrees and clear skies. Everyone left for home from the festival in the early afternoon.
The Eastmans and Chatterleys at the mission home.

Sister Tenney and the Harpers.

Sisters Hedrick, Brumage, Tanner and Tenney at Mossy Creek.

The Bensons

The Nielsons

President, the Eastmans, Sisters Tenney and Brumage
Top: Elder Eastman, President, Elder Benson
Next: Sister Eastman, Elder Chatterley, Sister Benson
Next: Elder Nielson, Sister Chatterley, Sister Tingey
This is going to be confusing: Elder Harper, Sister Nielson, Sister Harper, Sister Brumage, Sister Tanner, Sister Hedrick, Sister Tenney, Elder Tingey, Sister Evanson
Seated: Elder and Sister Larsen