Sunday, December 30, 2007

More Pictures From December Meetings

Here's a few more pics. We had them wave in the zone conference shots and one of the elders had a serious Savannah South Zone. I've also included the costumed missionaries for the Savannah South Christmas Program. Sorry, no wave for Augusta or Macon.

Left: Savannah South Costumes
Right: Savannah South serious

Left: Savannah North wave
Right: Douglas wave

Left: Albany South wave
Right: Albany North wave

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Another Try with Macon!

For some reason the Macon Zone Conference Picture would not enlarge when double clicked. So I'm trying it again. I thought I did everything the same, but evidently not. I couldn't enlarge it from my computer when I logged on and all the others enlarged just fine. Oh, well.
It works now!! Sorry, it's sort of fuzzy.

The Day After...

Well, hopefully, you've had a great Christmas and were able to talk to your missionary yesterday. We had a wonderful Christmas at the mission home. None of our "home family" was able to be with us, but we had the Macon missionaries over for dinner and we truly enjoyed our "mission family." I wanted to give you an idea of what the Christmas Program before Christmas was like. For the Savannah and Augusta Zones, it was during Zone Meeting and for the Macon, Albany and Douglas Zones it was during Zone Conference. Augusta and Savannah have Zone Conferences after the first of the year so that's why we did their Christmas Program at the Zone Meetings. Are you confused?? Anyway, I gave each zone a bare bones Christmas Program outline with the only absolute being everyone must participate. Oh, my goodness...They added to the outline or changed in any way they wanted. Savannah South had the "Primary Version" with costumes, etc. Many of these elders and sisters are very talented. All of them brought the Spirit as they gave it their best shot. They aren't able to practice much, because of the demands on their time, but each one helped us feel the true Spirit of the Season. There's nothing like missionaries and Christmas to help you remember what life is all about. We heard beautiful singing, instrumentals, recitations of original poetry and scriptures. All in all it was wonderful time. Below are just some candids from the last transfer in order for Elder Sandoval's and Elder Joseph Hall's family to see them a little better than the zone pictures showed, along with a couple other candids. Enjoy the holiday season and don't forget to include some missionary work resolutions for the new year! In fact, I have a suggestion...Have you had the missionaries and some investigators (or recent converts or less actives) in your home for dinner and a lesson. If not, why not?? It's a blessing to them, but also to you. If you're not sure who to invite, ask the missionaries.

Left: Elders McKee, Schaat, Levesque, A. Hall, Lokhorst, Dilts.

Right: Sisters Orme (arm), Stewart, Elders C. Clark, Gawdun, Murray, Slade, K. Nielson

Left: Elders Godfrey, Ogden, Warr, Johansen, A. Hall, Holyoak, Rogers

Right: Elders J. Clark, Gropper, Joseph Hall, Slade, Barnett, Heiner (Elder Stoddard is in the background) He and Elder Fuhriman were at an appointment when we took the zone pic, so they are missing from the large group.

Left: Elders Sandoval and Cottam
Right: Elders Fuhriman, K. Nielson, Fister

You can double click pictures to enlarge them. There are more elders than those I've identified in the background. So, doubl-click, you may see someone you know!

Friday, December 21, 2007


Merry Christmas to you all. We just got home from the last Zone Conference/Meetings with the missionaries prior to Christmas. They are all in the Holiday Spirit. I'll add some more candids and get names on these pictures later (probably after Christmas), but I wanted you to at least "see" your missionary. We are so thankful for them and grateful to you for your support. We couldn't ask for a better group. They're happy, they're hard working, they're grateful and we love them. We all wish you a very Merry Christmas...and remember that phone call is only for 40 minutes!!
Macon: Top: Elders Pettingill, Clinton, O'Rullian, Spendlove, Wall, Spencer, Jacobsen, Slade, Wood; Standing behind chairs: Elders Takapu, Corbridge, Teare, Woody, Skinner, Godfrey, Hoskin, Fister, Collings, Garner, Schaat, Dilts, McKee, J. Clark, C. Clark; Seated: The Eastmans (office couple), The Evansons and Sisters Nickle and Stokes.

Savannah South: Elders Gawdun, Diaz, Snow, Manning, A. Hall, Slade and Wood; Behind chairs: President, Elders C. Clark, K. Nielson, C. Kimbal, Greenhalgh, Blackmer, Randall, Murray; Seated: Sisters Tanner, & Hedrick, The Larsens and Sisters Stewart and Orme. Savannah South gets the "Waving Picture" because the more serious verson had a glitch.

Savannah North: Back: Elders C. Clark, Moon, Kunz, Heiner, Ramsten, J. Nelson, Reed, M. Kimball; Standing directly behind chairs: Elders Price, Bell, Beacham, White, Parker, Jackson, Gardner; Seated: Elder Slade, President, The Harpers, Elders Bingham, Tanner and Wood
Douglas: Top: Elders C. Clark, Mortensen, Molis, French, Silva, D. Smith, Faux; Middle Mass: Elders J. Clark, visitor (white suit), Slade, Hutchison, Levesque, Hartley, Hale, Park, Summerhays, Dilts, Christiansen, Wood, Redford, Conlin; Seated: Evansons and Sisters Barnes & Moyes

Augusta: Top: Elders Shelman, Rice, Slade, Horan, Talbot, Benjamin, Martin, Williams, Cadman, Wood, Lanman, Day; Middle Row: Elders Jeff Hall, Beverley, Poole, Koelling, Beckman, Fowers, Rich, Beard, P. Smith, Crane, C. Clark, Robertson, President; Seated: The Bensons, The Nielsons, Sisters Carter and Van Patten.
Albany South: Standing: Elders C. Clark, Rogers, Hickman, Dilts, J. Clark, Thompson, Stallings, Sandoval, Lokhorst, Barnett, McCarty, D. Smith, Brunson, T. Wayman, Cottam, Slade, Wood; Seated: Evansons, Elders Carlson, Morgan and Sisters Miller and Poulstrup.

Albany North: Standing Mass: Elders Ilfra, Sharpe, J. Nielson, Rowell, J. Clark, Dilts, Forbes, C. Clark, Ogden, Chatterley, Holyoak, Sister Chatterley, J. Wayman, Johanson, Warr, Joseph Hall (I'll try to find a pic of him in the candids and get it posted), Gropper, Slade, Wood. Seated: Evansons, Sisters Brumage, Tenney, Thomas and Redman.
If there are any mistakes (spelling) or confusion of who is who just email me at I've gone through this rather quickly.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Savannah Zone Conference, November 20

The Savannah Zone Conference includes the Savannah North and the Savannah South Zones. It is a large group. Pictures were taken just prior to zone conference beginning, except the couple that show missionaries in the cultural hall. Those pictures were taken at lunch time. Be sure to double click and open if you want to see the pictures enlarged.

Left: Elders Nelson and J. Wayman
Right: Sisters Orme, Stewart and Harper with Elder

Left: Elders White, M. Kimball, J. Nielson, Reed
Right: Elders Murray, Randall, Cottam

Pictures at lunch time: Left: Sister Evanson, Elders
M. Kimball, Nelson, Reed, Park, Parker, Dilts (kneeling)
Right: Elders Murray, C. Kimbal, Cottam, Randall

Left: Larsens and Sisters Tanner and Hedrick
Right: Elders Gawdun, Greenhalgh, Park
Left: Elders Jackson, Poole, Moon (back)
Right: Elders Beckman, Kunz, Bell, Lambert

Left: Elders Tanner, McKinley, Moon, Parker, C. Kimbal
Right: Elders M. Kimball, J. Nielson, Reed

Elders Pettingill, Manning, Beard, Snow

Augusta Zone Conference, November 16

Generally, the Augusta Zone Conference is held the same week as Savannah, which is usually the week after Macon, Albany and Douglas. However, this time we did four conferences in a week. I must have been tired because I missed getting pictures of Sisters Carter and VanPatten and Elders P. Smith and Barnes. I'll do better next time...they were there. If you double click on the picture and then choose "open" it will enlarge the picture so you can see it better. You can then right click and save or print.

Left: Elders Lanman and Horan
Right: The Bensons and the Nielsons

Left: Elders Koelling, Rich, Talbot, Benjamin, Redford
and Cadman.
Right: Front: Elders Jeff Hall and Faux; Back Elders
Bingham, Day and Shelman

Left: Elders Petersen, Fowers, Rice, Diaz
Right: Elders Jeff Hall, Faux, Talbot, Koelling

Elders Martin, Williams, Petersen, Fowers, Rice, Diaz

Douglas Zone Conference November 15

The Douglas Zone Conference is always an event.
After the conference, while traveling to Augusta
we found six missionaries out in a cotton field, so
we stopped and took President's picture with them.
Also, during the Douglas Conference, Elders Hoskin
and Hutchison had a "surprise" for the President....
his very own Chuck Norris-variation t-shirt...
"There is Nothing To Fear, But President Evanson
Itself!" I understand we have Elder Hoskin's dad
to thank for providing the shirts for the whole
zone! Douglas is our smallest zone, but they are

Left: In the cotton field: Elders J. Clark, Crane,
C. Clark, President, Slade, Molis and Dilts
Right: Sister Barnes, Elders Wood and Mortensen
Sister Moyes is at the piano and I didn't take a
picture...sorry, I'll make up for it next time!

Left: Elders Hoskin, Conlin, Richens and Hutchison
Right: Elders Lokhorst, Christiansen, Molis, Crane

Elders Hartley, Silva, Hale and Price
Background: Elder Tingey

Albany Zone Conference November 14

Remember Albany Moms, you can double click on the picture
to get it enlarged so you get a better view! I got pictures during
lunch in Albany. Albany North and Albany South Zones attend
the Albany Zone Conference.

Elders Thompson and Holyoak at left. I think they look like
Right: Sisters Tenney, Brumage, Chatterley, Elder Chatterley
and President.

Left: Elders J. Clark, Gropper, Joseph Hall, Slade, Heiner
and Barnett.
Right: Elders Stallings, French, Rowell, Howard, Brunson
and T. Wayman.

Left: Elders Ilfra, Forbes, Carlson, Garner.
Right: Elder Sharpe, Sisters Thomas, Miller, Poulstrup,
Redman, Elders C. Clark and Morgan

Left: Elders Godfrey, Ogden, Warr, Johanson, A. Hall,
Rogers and Holyoak
Right: Elders Stoddard, Thompson, Dilts, D. Smith,
K. Nielson, Beverley

Elders Johanson, A. Hall, Rogers