Well, hopefully, you've had a great Christmas and were able to talk to your missionary yesterday. We had a wonderful Christmas at the mission home. None of our "home family" was able to be with us, but we had the Macon missionaries over for dinner and we truly enjoyed our "mission family." I wanted to give you an idea of what the Christmas Program before Christmas was like. For the Savannah and Augusta Zones, it was during Zone Meeting and for the Macon, Albany and Douglas Zones it was during Zone Conference. Augusta and Savannah have Zone Conferences after the first of the year so that's why we did their Christmas Program at the Zone Meetings. Are you confused?? Anyway, I gave each zone a bare bones Christmas Program outline with the only absolute being everyone must participate. Oh, my goodness...They added to the outline or changed in any way they wanted. Savannah South had the "Primary Version" with costumes, etc. Many of these elders and sisters are very talented. All of them brought the Spirit as they gave it their best shot. They aren't able to practice much, because of the demands on their time, but each one helped us feel the true Spirit of the Season. There's nothing like missionaries and Christmas to help you remember what life is all about. We heard beautiful singing, instrumentals, recitations of original poetry and scriptures. All in all it was wonderful time. Below are just some candids from the last transfer in order for Elder Sandoval's and Elder Joseph Hall's family to see them a little better than the zone pictures showed, along with a couple other candids. Enjoy the holiday season and don't forget to include some missionary work resolutions for the new year! In fact, I have a suggestion...Have you had the missionaries and some investigators (or recent converts or less actives) in your home for dinner and a lesson. If not, why not?? It's a blessing to them, but also to you. If you're not sure who to invite, ask the missionaries.
Left: Elders McKee, Schaat, Levesque, A. Hall, Lokhorst, Dilts.
Right: Sisters Orme (arm), Stewart, Elders C. Clark, Gawdun, Murray, Slade, K. Nielson

Left: Elders Godfrey, Ogden, Warr, Johansen, A. Hall, Holyoak, Rogers
Right: Elders J. Clark, Gropper, Joseph Hall, Slade, Barnett, Heiner (Elder Stoddard is in the background) He and Elder Fuhriman were at an appointment when we took the zone pic, so they are missing from the large group.

Left: Elders Sandoval and Cottam
Right: Elders Fuhriman, K. Nielson, Fister
You can double click pictures to enlarge them. There are more elders than those I've identified in the background. So, doubl-click, you may see someone you know!